Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A BIG Thank You!

As you are no doubt aware, it has been a very busy Spring half-term at Rise Park Primary School! We have had a visit from the OFSTED inspectors [who were all terribly nice], two Parents Evenings, a book fair and a student teacher working in 4S! It was wonderful to see so many parents supporting their children at both of the Parents Evening meetings, and Mr. Shadbolt was really happy to have a chance to share all of 4S's achievements.

The three weeks left before the end of the Spring term will also be very busy in year four! The deadline for our Animals & Habitats homework project will soon be here, and we will all be going to Twycross Zoo to learn more about this wonderful science topic. There is also a trip to the E-Learning Centre at Top Valley School to work on our D&T project on purses and wallets, and the Annual Rise Park Easter Egg Competition for Key Stage 2 children.

Phew! There's still so much to do!